This is my first attempt at creating a blog. My title comes from the fact that I am a house sitter and often have friends ask me, "Where is home now?" I divide my time between Nebraska and Alaska. Since my home in Nebraska is rented I live in what I call a "shop" building when I am there. It is two comfortable rooms that were at one time a gift shop and a commercial kitchen. They were used in connection with the berry farm (raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and choke cherries) where we grew berries and made jams, jellies, and syrups from the produce. When I came to Alaska four years ago I began taking care of houses while the owner(s) vacationed during the winter months. It is not wise to leave a house unattended in Fairbanks. If the heat goes out for any reason, pipes freeze very quickly--especially with temperatures below zero.
As I have time I will post pictures of some of the homes where I have stayed. I seem to get the cream of the crop and live a rather opulent life style while house sitting. That is great because the house my son is building for me does not yet have running water and when I live there my life style is not what most of you would call glamorous. It is in the hills surrounded by trees--our lot is mostly aspen and spruce. The lot next to us is mostly birch and spruce. How does that happen? I don't know. I do know that birch is better for firewood than aspen but aspen keeps the house just as warm. It burns more quickly and means more chopping and toting. I love the quietness of the area and the scenery surrounding the house. There are intertwining roads where one can walk and see moose and foxes and a variety of birds.
A friend of mine has an interesting blog and she displays one of my pictures. If you enjoy poetry and hearing about life in Alaska, check her out