Thursday, March 22, 2007

Posting from the Internet Class

We are working with blogs in the class tonight. I'm a step ahead since I had to do this for another class. But I learned some things tonight that I hadn't picked up from the book example. It's a good feeling to know a little bit about something and not be completely "at sea."

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

This is a view of the Dulcimer house under construction. I am standing in the cleared area where the drain field is for the septic system which is located between the house and the road. Trees fill in between this area and the road so the house is not very visible from the road in the summer. When the trees are bare in the winter one can see that there is a house up there. Jay's dog Ali loves to lie on the deck and act as if he's guarding the place. This is the south side of the house so there is sunshine in the atrium area year around. Some day I will post a picture of the front of the house. That's something I should do when everything is covered with snow because snow hides a multitude of unloveliness. I am spending some of my time out there now but since spring break is over I will probably "live" in the computer lab.